Saturday, March 9, 2013

Can You Come?

Our next PEOPLE meeting, please don't bring any dogs, is this Monday, March 11.  The meeting will be at the bubble.  However, it has come to my attention that there is also a concert at that time.   I know that Katielyn and Sophia can't come, and I was wondering if any other people have run into this problem.  If so, we will have to reschedule.  Will you please post or contact me if you can't come?  If we do still go on with the meeting there will be cookies and refreshments.  We will be making a club name and having elections.  There will be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and reporter.  If you are new to 4- H and you don't know what these are I will tell you.  The president shall preside at all club meetings, appoint committees, call special meetings, assist in planning programs and other duties of a presiding officer.  The vice president shall be chairperson of the program committees and shall preside in the absence of the president.  The secretary shall: (a) Keep minutes of regular club meetings and other club records as outlined in the Secretary's Book, (b) call or check the roll and read the minutes at each regular meeting, (c) serve on the program committee and as chairperson of the club history committee, (d) handle correspondence (e) preside in the absence of the president and vice president.  The treasurer shall (a) prepare a budget for approval by the club, (b) hold and pay out all  moneys of the club as designated by the adopted budget, (Any expenditures over $  ______________ not included in the budget, must be approved by the executive committee), (c) keep an accurate record of the receipt and expenditures of all funds, (d) present a financial statement when requested to do so, (e) serve as chairman of the finance committee.  The reporter or webmaster shall prepare news items on the activities of the club, which should be sent to either the county Extension office or directly to the newspaper or on the 4- H website.  The reporter shall serve on the club history committee, if the club has this committee.  Those are the spots!  Think if you would like to serve one of these spots or not!