Monday, January 7, 2013

Dog Trick of the Day

1/ 7/ 13
Throw this in the Trash:

1. Work with your dog and have him/ her retrieve lots of different kinds of trash items, and have him/ her bring them over increasingly longer distances.

2. Sit on a chair with the trash bucket between your feet.  Tell your dog to pick up an item using the Take It cue, and call him/her to you; click and treat him/her when she's as close to the opening of the bucket as she'll come.

3. Repeat the step above, but delaying the click until she gets closer to the bucket.  Repeat until she's right above the bucket.

4. With your dog standing close to the bucket, tell him/ her to Leave It and click and treat him/ her for releasing the trash.   You will need to practice this so that the dog will eventually release the item right into the trash bucket.

5. Experiment by withholding the click until your dog makes a deliberate effort to drop the item into the barrel.

6. Label this action Throw It Away by saying it right after your dog does the behavior.  You will have to practice this many times before the new cue initiates the behavior.

7. Practice with different items until your dog will retrieve and discard just about anything you ask him/ her to.

8. Congrats, you taught your dog throw it away.

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