Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dog Trick of the Day


Go Get Your Leash:

1.  Hold the leash out and ask your dog to take it.  Click and treat the exact moment he puts it in his mouth.

2.  Back up a step and see if he will follow you; click and treat him for moving with the leash in his mouth.

3.  Put the leash on the floor and tell him to Take It.  As soon as he picks it up,  click and treat.

4.  Put the leash on the floor but don't click and treat until he takes it and takes several steps toward you.

5.  Put the leash in various places at various distances and repeat.  Click and treat for taking it under these new circumstances.

6.  Gradually move the leash to where your dog can expect to find it and click and treat him for going to that spot.

7.  Replace the Take It cue with Leash, by saying the new cue Leash right before the old cue.  Gradually fade Take It so that your dog  perform the behavior on the new cue.

8.  Well done, you've taught your dog Go Get Your Leash.

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