Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dog Trick of the Day


Play Dead:

1.Get your dog to lie down, then click and treat.

2.Use a treat to roll your dog onto his/her side, then click and treat.

3.Fade the lure by doing six repetitions in a row and then trying the seventh repetition without the lure, clicking and treating the dog for performing the behavior.

4.Reintroduce the lure to get him/her to roll onto his/her back, then click and treat.  Fade the lure after the sixth repetition.

5.Go back and put all three steps together so that he/she performs them all in one continuous motion for one click and treat.

6.Fade the lure by working with food for six repetitions then without food for two repetitions.  Go back and forth until your dog responds the same with or without food.  Note: The way you hold your hand will become the exaggerated cue that starts the behavior.

7.Change the old cue to a new cue by offering the new cue before the motion you used to get the behavior started.  Pointing your thumb and forefinger like a gun and saying "bang!" is very flashy!

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