Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dog Trick of the Day


Put Away your Toys:

1.Hand your dog a toy and tell him/her to Take It;when he/she has the toy in his mouth,  click and treat him/her for holding it.

2.Put the toy box between  your feet  and encourage the dog to come to you;click and treat him/her for holding the toy over the top of the box.

3.Repeat the above step, but ask the dog to Leave It as he holds the toy over the box.

4.Put the toy on the floor and tell him/her to Take It;click and treat him/her for picking up the toy.

5.Repeat the above step with more than one toy on the floor at a time.

6.Replace the Take It and Leave It cues with the new cue Toys Away by saying the new cue right before the old cue.  Gradually fade the old cue.

7.Wonderful, you've taught your dog Put Away Your Toys!

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