Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dog Trick of the Day

Go left, Go right:

1.Start with your dog in front of an object (like a chair or a person) and put a target lid to the left of it about 3 feet away.

2.Send your dog to go Touch, and click and treat him/her for responding.

3.Repeat this at gradually increasing distances, clicking right before your dog touches his/her nose to the target.

4.When your dog is offering the behavior readily, say the new cue Go Left just before he/she is about to move forward to touch the target.  Repeat this until he/she will go to the left when you say left.

5.Fade the target by making it smaller (use scissors to cut into smaller pieces) until your dog simply moves left on your command.

6.To teach your dog to go right, simply follow all the same steps except with everything on the right.

7.Awesome, you've taught your dog Go left, Go right!!!

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