Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fish Trick of the Day

Hello everyone! This is Allison!!! And we are doing another fish trick! I am going crazy with tricks, I'm so excited I'm your co-owner, but that is good for you, right? I hope it is. Now to announce our fish trick... how to make your fish go up, without it following your finger!

1. First, start having your fish follow your finger down to the bottom of the tank. This way, your fish has room to go up!

2.Keep having it follow your finger up. As you do this, gradually move your hand farther and farther away.

3. Make sure your fish is going up sharply, even when your hand is moving farther away.

4. In the middle of your progress, start making your hand movements smaller.

5. Keep repeating step two and three and four. Careful though, you don't want to have your hand get to far away!

6. Eventually, you should be standing at your fish tank, making a flicking movement with your wrist, with one finger up.

7. Is your fish going straight up when you flick your wrist with one finger up? If it is, you have completed the trick. Congratulations! 

Always train in approximately three five minute sessions per day. If you are getting bored, you time is probably up, and your fish is bored too. And if you have a pet we don't write tricks about, comment down below! We want to hear from you! Also, if you have a star lizard, it could be a Mydivapets star! All you have to do is send us some photos of your lizard, and me and Katie will see if it is Mydivapets material. Good luck, and Happy Training!

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