Monday, August 19, 2013

Dog Trick of the Day

8/ 19/ 13

Hey guys!  Katie here.  Sorry about my lack of posting, but haven't you loved Allison's posts?!  I've just been busy with school and schoolwork, but now I'm back so no fear!  Today's trick is pretty difficult, but with a lot of work it will be perfect!  It comes in three parts, so technically three tricks in one.  Cool, huh?  Today's trick is (drum roll please)... Get me a Water Bottle!


Bottle of Water

A dog






Getting Me a Bottle of Water: Part 1

Getting the Water Bottle:

1. Hand your dog a bottle of water and tell him/ her to Take It.  Click and treat your dog for holding onto it for a few seconds.

2. Move away from your dog and have him/ her come to you over greater and greater distances, so your dog gets used to bringing the bottle to you wherever you are in a room.

3. Place the bottle of water on the floor and tell your dog to Take It, then Bring It to you.  Click and treat him/ her for retrieving it, then gradually withhold the click until the dog is on him/ her way back to you.

4. Put the bottle of water on a low shelf on the refrigerator and practice having him/ her Take It.  Click and treat your dog for approaching, then taking, then bringing the bottle of water to you over short training sessions.

Opening the Refrigerator Door:

1. Put a strap on the refrigerator door to make it easier for your dog to open it easily.

2. Starting with the refrigerator open, hand him/ her the strap and tell him/ her Take It.  Click and treat him/ her for taking the strap.

3. Once your dog is taking the refrigerator strap easily, delay the click for an extra second or so and click and treat your dog for holding it.

4. Standing slightly behind your dog, call him/ her back to you while he/ she holds the refrigerator strap.  Try making him come to you much like a fetch, but without letting go of the strap at all.

5. When he/ she can hold onto the strap while backing up, click and treat him/her for actually moving the door.

6.  Gradually close the door until the door's almost clicked shut, so that your dog has to pull a bit harder to open it.

7.  Once your dog can open it when it's shut all the way, try letting him/ her retrieve the strap on his/ her own.  At first, click and treat any attempt that your dog makes to take the refrigerator strap.

8. Gradually add a little distance from the refrigerator so that your dog is approaching the refrigerator from greater and greater distances.  This helps your dog find his way there without your help.

9. Eventually delay the click and treat so that your dog is taking the strap and starting to back up away from the refrigerator to pull open the door before you click.

I know this is only two parts, but I'll get the next to soon!  I'm just tired from writing.

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