Monday, September 2, 2013

Dog trick of The Day

Hello dog lovers! It is Allison here. We are going to do some more dog training today. This trick will require the command touch, or target for your dog, so if your dog doesn't know that command, we have a really old post by Katie on the command, touch. I also want to apologize for not posting a lot of tricks. Me and Katie are very busy this time of year, so it it hard. Although, we have gotten a few posts up on our Terrific Treats area. You should check them out! Also, you may want to be notified that this is a pretty hard trick to get on command, but your dog will think it is an awesome trick, for it is fun. It also will teach your dog right and left a bit. Now to introduce.... Spin!

A dog that knows the command touch. (It can also be called target!)

1. Start by having your dog follow your hand in a circle, using the command, touch.(Or target.)

2. When he/she makes a full turn, click, and treat!

3. Do this a few times, eventually adding the hand signal for spin. ( A circular motion with a pointed index finger)

4. Try fading out the word touch or target, and start replacing it with spin right(if your going right) or spin left(if you are spinning the dog left!)

5. Practice until your dog can spinning at your command and hand motion!

Don't practice to long! 3 5 minute sessions work! Also, you don't want your poor dog getting dizzy!

 If you have an all-star lizard that is great in pictures, enter our contest! Send us a photo, because we need an mydivapets lizard!

I hope you enjoyed! Happy training!

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