Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cat Trick of the Day


Hey friends!  Katie here :)  Yep, you read that title right!  We now have an official Cat Trick of the Day!  We had a friend request it and now here it is.  We're going to start with a really basic trick.  Well actually it's not a trick at all.  It's Clicker Training.  A clicker is a really useful tool in training, because your pet can hear it very easily.  You click the clicker right after you pet does the behavior you want correctly, but sometimes pets are really scared of the clicker.  That's why you have to train them to like it.  Once they like the clicker and know they get a treat after it they know that whatever they did was the correct behavior.


Clicker (You can easily get these at pet stores.)
Treats (I'd recommend the cat's favorite.  Cats can be a little picky.  I know my cat's favorite treats are Whisker Lickin's, so I use those to train Cailee.)

Clicker Training:

1. With a handful of treats in your hand click the clicker and give a treat to your cat.  Repeat this many times.

2. If your pet is scared away at first when they settle down give them a decent amount of treats, beginning to ease down their nerves.

3. That is it!  Simple right?  Now you can use a clicker when training other tricks!

If you have a lizard Mydivapets would really appreciate it if you could send us some pictures to use as the star!  Me and Allison will choose the winner!  Enter for a chance to win.

Do you love Mydivapets?  Tell us below by commenting!  We love to here from you.

Check out our other websites:,,, Mydivapets (Facebook Page), and The Life of a Writer (Facebook Page).

Did you know at our writing blog we have another competition going?  If not, we do!  I am looking for someone that can make me a cover for my book The First Wizard.  The book isn't finished yet, but when it is if you make the winning cover than you get a free copy!  Enter for a chance to win the amazing prize.  Also, be on a look out for Allison's new book!

Don't forget to only train in three five minute sessions a day.  You don't want your pet thinking training is boring!

If we don't have a trick for a pet that you have please tell us!  We will get right on it and create a trick for your pet.

Spread the word about our blog to everyone you know!  We strive to make the bond between pet and owner strong and training is just one of the great ways to do this!

Remember that small treats work just as well as large treats, so unless your pet does something amazing try to keep the treats small so that you don't waste any treats!

Try making homemade treats!  Your cat will go nuts for them!

Happy training!

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