Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dog Trick of the Day

Hi guys! It is Allison! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot ! I'm really busy! But here is part two of the last trick I posted. Think. What is the theme? I will tell you at the end if you don't figure it out! Now, get ready for part two... hide!

Your dog
Dog Toy!
Hiding places
Make sure your dog knows the command stay.

1.  Start by throwing the toy. Your dog should go get the toy, but when it gets to the toy, command it to stay.

2. If your dog does stay, click and give him/her a treat.

3. Keep repeating this process, so your dog learns it.

4. Now have someone go and hide the toy, and make sure your dog stays there. Now have them tell you to look for your dog.

My last dog trick was seek, this one is hide... hide and seek! Now you can play hide and seek with your dog.  Have fun!

Remember, three five minute sessions per day work well for training because your dog wont get bored, but it will have enough learning time!

Also, we still need some more contestants for the contest to find our mydivapets lizard. Remember to enter if you can send us photos frequently and have a picture perfect lizard. Good luck!

Check out Katie's other blogs! They all are:,,, and Plus, she has Facebook pages! The Mydivapets Facebook page, and The Life of a Writer Facebook page. Check them out!

Did you know we have another contest going on? It is on! Go there and read some clips from The First Wizard, and then design a cover for it! Good luck! Also, I'm writing a story too! So keep your eyes open for it!

Also, we take recommendations! Tell us if you want tricks about a certain pet we aren't already doing.

One thing to remember... we have pet treat recipes as a section to this blog. Trust me, pets go nuts for homemade treats. Yum!

Spread the word about our blog to everyone you know! They will have even more fun in their life with their pet, plus your pet will learn many new things. Have a great day! Happy training!

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