Friday, November 29, 2013

Lizard Trick of the Day

Hey guys! This is Allison. I realized that we haven't done a lizard trick in a while, so right now seems like a perfect time for one. It has been months since we did a lizard post! It hasn't been since August since we did one! So, I welcome you a new lizard trick... roll over!

You, the trainer!
A LOT of patience!

1. Start by getting your lizard's attention with the treat. 

2. Next, put the treat close to your lizard's mouth, but don't let your lizard get it!

3. Now, start moving the treat in circles. 

4. Now, practice A LOT!!!

5. Before you know it, your lizard should start following your actions.

6. As you go, start using smaller pieces of a treat.

7. Keep practicing! 

8. If your lizard is rolling over, try to use no treat, only rewarding your lizard if it gets it right. If your lizard doesn't like that, go back to practicing with a treat.

9. Is your lizard rolling over when you just make a circular motion with your hand? Well, congratulations! Your lizard has learned the trick, 'roll over.' Great job!

Please remember, this trick is quite hard, so it requires a lot of patience. Also, please try to train three times a day, for about five minutes each time.

Hello friends! If you love Mydivapets, you better check out these other websites made by Katie. Go to '' and ''! Plus, check out Katie's Facebook pages! there is Mydivapets Facebook page and the Mostlyfantasywriter Facebook page. Check them out!

 Want some delicious snacks? Well, you unfortunately don't get these but your best friends (Your pets!) do! Go to our terrific Treats section where you can learn many awesome pet treat recipes! Yum!

 Hey... you have to know about the contests... Our lizard contest, that one! Your lizard could be famous on Mydivapets if you just send us some photos of your lizard and who knows? Your lizard could be the official Mydivapets lizard! Plus, Mostlyfantasywriter has a cover designing contest for 'The First Wizard'. The prize? A FREE copy of the story! Awesome!

 If there is a trick for a pet that we already don't do, then post a comment! We will try to make a post with that pet trick as soon as possible!

 Questions? Questions anyone? We take questions about Mydivapets, so comment if you have a question.

 Yo people! Spread the word about us! We try to help as many pet lovers as we can, so shout about us! Thanks!

 I hope you enjoyed this post. Happy training!

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