Monday, December 30, 2013

Dog Trick of the Day


Hey guys!  Katie here :) How was your Christmas holiday?  I figured that I needed to do at least one more post before the new year!  I've been so lazy with my posting, so one of my new years resolutions is going to be post at least twice a week on Mydivapets!  I'll try my hardest to keep that promise.  Are you and your pooch ready for a new trick?  Your friends will definitely be awed by this cute trick!

Show Me Your Best Side:


~ Clicker
~ Treats
~ Dog
~ You


1. Start with your dog facing you in a Sit, and click and treat him/her for staying.

2. After about thirty seconds or so, stop clicking and watch him/her closely; if he/she turns his/her head at all, click and treat.

3. Pick on side or the other to start with and click any head turns in the direction you chose.

4. When your dog starts to understand that turning his/her head is causing the click, it's time to delay the click by a few seconds to encourage him/her to hold the position.

5. Gradually increase the seconds by a few at a time until your dog will turn his/her head to the side and hold it for fifteen seconds.

6. Label the behavior Pose just before he/she offers the turn of his/her head. Repeat until command Pose causes the behavior.

7.  Congrats, you taught your dog Pose!

Did you love this trick?  Please tell us in the comments below!

Remember to only train in 5 minute sessions.  This way training stays fun, and your dog looks forward to it.  Train 3 times a day, every day for the best results.  

Don't get frustrated if your dog does not learn this trick right away, because some dogs take longer than others.  If you are diligent on training, your dog will know the trick in no time.

What did your dog get for Christmas?  We would love to know!  Comment below and tell us what your perfect pooch got for Christmas.

Time is running out to get your lizard to be the Star Lizard of Mydivapets!  Comment below if your lizard is interested!

Head on over to to enter the book cover contest!  The book is 'The First Wizard', but changes are being made to the text regularly to make a perfectly fantasizing book.  The cover can be hand drawn or digital.  If hand drawn just take a picture, upload it to your computer, and send it to me.  To enter you must comment below.

Loving Mydivapets?  Head on over to,, the facebook page Mydivapets, and the final facebook page The Life of a Writer!

How would you like to make posts on Mydivapets?  If you would like to be part of the team just comment below!

Do you have a pet that we do not post tricks for?  If so, just comment below and your pet will be talented in no time with Mydivapets' tricks!

1 comment:

  1. Me and Cole did this trick with you when we came over! That was fun! (But crazy!!!)
